Myles Jackman And The Pro-Extreme Pornography Crusade

9 de septiembre de 2015, por Steve


Although probably not a name that anyone outside of the UK would have heard of, Myles Jackman is currently one of the most important figures in the fight against stifling anti-extreme pornography legislation that is in place in the country.

A lawyer who now operates almost exclusively in helping defendants in fighting charges related to this area and also to obscenity laws in general, he is the subject of this brilliant article in The Guardian about his work and personal life.

It’s a long read, that’s for sure (that’s the name of the column, in fact!) and quite heavy on the ins and outs of the law, but it’s still a fascinating article that shows you what a minefield of contradictions and half-truths this law is.

Jackman himself is a thoroughly interesting individual himself who regularly writes on the subject alongside practising law on this front. You would do well to follow him on Twitter if this is a field that interests you.

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